Faculty Quality Assurance Organizational Structure

Faculty Quality Assurance Organizational Structure

University Organization Chart (BELGE)
Faculty Organization Chart(BELGE)

Faculty Quality Assurance Organizational Structure

Within the framework of Dokuz Eylül University 2021-2025 Strategic Plan and Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Letters 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, commissions working in cooperation with all 12 departments within the Faculty of Letters have been established in order to establish and maintain the quality assurance system of the Faculty of Letters, as stated in the DEU Faculty of Letters Quality Assurance Organizational Structure. Each commission carries out its duties in coordination with the dean’s office and department heads in order to improve the quality assurance system under the leadership of the commission chairman and with the members of the commission. In this context, the operation of each commission continues systematically, and the commissions provide regular briefings to the departments. Each commission includes academic staff from departments.